The Health Care Reform Center includes a series of live chats with experts, and offers consumers personalized health insurance information. The center was created in an effort to answer results from two user surveys. These surveys show that 53% of participants “expect WebMD to help point them in the right direction for health insurance decisions,” and 63% “don’t know of an easy-to-navigate, neutral source of information about the ACA.” The educational content from the center is available on tablets, mobile devices, desktops, WebMD magazine, and WebMD’s Facebook page. A critical tool offered by WebMD is the Health Insurance Advisor, which allows consumers to explore different health insurance coverage scenarios and identify what type of insurance plan is best suited for their health needs and demographic. Other tools include a Health Insurance Cost Calculator, State-Level Resources, Live Events (pose questions about the ACA and receive answers from WebMD and third-party experts), and WebMD Answers (pose questions and receive answers from peers and experts).
Access the center here:
Physicians can access the ACA Resource Center here:
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